Is it time to give up on the fantasy of educating children in schools? We must regretfully report: yes, it is time. The teachers are getting violent, moonlighting as criminals, and leaving the kids to play video games in class.

It was a good effort, the idea of public education was, but at this point it's clear that its just not going to work out. We, the upper crust, do not really know or care what goes on in public schools, of course—our kids are in private schools, and besides, school is pretty boring—but those who do know what goes on in these pits are not showing signs of great job satisfaction.

  • A New Jersey P.E. teacher will serve 90 days in jail for "propelling a student out of class by holding on to his ear and pushing him in the back."
  • A former Stuyvestant High teacher and dean of a Brooklyn High School spent his spare time as an illegal cigarette trafficker and gun-runner. (To federal agents, unfortunately for him.)
  • Some kids in middle school now are being "taught" by playing video games. Blah blah education theory modes of learning research shows blah blah. Related: Middle School is worthless.
  • DC mayor Adrian Fenty just lost his primary, so his exciting and innovative and crusading schools chancellor will doubtless be replaced with another exciting and innovative and crusading schools chancellor. The real winner in this revolving door of education bureaucrats: the kids.
  • Three Pennsylvania high schoolers were arrested for pulling a "prank," consisting of trying to attend classes at a high school that was not their own. Clearly, no one cares enough to try any more. Let's just call it a day.

[Pic: Shutterstock]