It's clear now that the only way journalists are allowed to write profiles of eccentric socialite billionaire hedge fund wife Lisa Falcone is to tell her they plan to detail her "entrepreneurial" and "philanthropic" activities. Not her insanity.

Her insanity speaks for itself! Alexandra Wolfe has a wonderful new profile of Falcone in BusinessWeek—and indeed, it is hard not to write wonderfully about this alleged penis-grabbing pig lover who lives with her husband, hedge fund billionaire Philip Falcone, in Bob Guccione's old mansion. And she's a hip hop producer, now!

She produced the song and sings along as it blasts from iPod speakers on the table: "Come on bitches, get your hands in the air, ugly bitches too, we don't care!"

And pish posh to those who say she hasn't earned everything she's got! "Obviously, my husband's made the money, but we've been together 18 years, and the person behind the person isn't usually seen," she says. "So the money I'm using I've earned." Ha, we'll pointedly not point out the sexual undertones there! Anyhow. She's also a film producer now, through entrepreneurialism!

While she doesn't have a film background, Falcone says she loves movies: "I was always trying to figure out the ending before the beginning and pretty much was always right."

So short version, Lisa Falcone is still crazy, in case you were wondering.

[BW. Pic: Getty]