So a Comedian Sits Next to Former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman on a Plane... (Updated)

Ken Mehlman is the former GOP chairman who recently confirmed he was gay. Marc Maron is a comedian. Marc Maron has found himself sitting next to Ken Mehlman on a plane and is live-tweeting it. Guess what happened?
If you guessed that LA comedian Marc Maron, creator of the podcast WTF with Marc Maron, took a picture of his exposed nipple next to former GOP chairman Ken Mehlman, you are correct! Since around 2pm EST, Maron has been tweeting about his flight with Mehlman (or someone who looks a lot like Mehlman), whom he found himself next to after upgrading to first class. In fact, he's still on the flight as we write this, and just tweeted, "I hope he doesn't log on with his computer or I'm fucked."
Here's how things have gone down so far:

And here's another picture Maron took next to a slumbering Ken Mehlman:

Paging Ken Mehlman! If you happen to read this, uh, this is what's going on in the seat next to you right now. Send us an email if you have a comment. Or just tell Marc Maron, and he'll probably tweet about it.
According to Maron's last tweet, dinner has been served and "I'm going to eat and try to handle this like an adult... Be back in a few." We'll update if anything else exciting happens.
Update: And now they're talking about politics and stuff. Booooring.

Update 2: Oh! Actually, this could be good. Have a feeling someone is about to learn a lesson. (Not sure who, or what lesson.)

Update 3:Looks like will have to imagine the final awkward minutes of the flight. What do you say to someone after you learn they've revealed their nipple to thousands of Internet strangers in front of your face?

Update 4: And Mehlman found out about it... from us. Who knew, the former chairman of the GOP reads Gawker!

Hope you had a good flight, Marc and Ken. [Marc Maron's Twitter, via lolita.d.haze]