Lindsay Lohan spent Yom Kippur atoning and partying. George Clooney meets his girlfriend's parents. Bruno Mars arrested for drug possession. Tom Cruise's Top Gun love interest gets gay-married.

  • On the same day she admitted to failing a drug test, Lindsay Lohan went partying in Beverly Hills. First she went to Yom Kippur "house party" with lesbian Israeli military vet Eilat Anschel. (She wanted to atone?) Then she went to the Beverly Hills Hotel and partied the night away. It's all part of AA's little-known thirteenth step: "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being that once you're off the wagon, you may as well fucking run with it." [People, image via Splash]
  • Meanwhile, Matthew Wilder, the director of Lindsay's forthcoming Deep Throat biopic, is starting to worry that he can't afford to insure her for the movie he's been touting as LiLo's big comeback project. [Radar]
  • George Clooney spent the weekend in the tiny Sardinian village (population 1200) where girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis grew up. The locals all wanted photographs, and one person even handed him a baby to pose with. "Ora tocca a te!" cried the crowd. (Translation: "It's your turn now!") Hollywood's most infamous bachelor either didn't understand, or pretended not to. Paparazzi pictures show Elisabetta's very average-looking white-haired parents wandering scenic Sardinia with Clooney. [People, Radar]
  • "Jennifer Lopez will not be denied her favorite biscuits." She sent her driver to pick up 50 from a New York restaurant that was too full to let her eat there on the night of husband Marc Anthony's birthday. [P6]
  • Did God send last week's New York City tornado to save Marc Jacobs from missing a party? Marc was supposed to fly from NYC to Paris to work on the Louis Vuitton collection, but his flight was cancelled due to inclement weather, and Marc got to party with Gwen Stefani, Kanye West, and the rest of New York Fashion Week's glitterati, instead. [P6]
  • Actress Kelly McGillis—who played Tom Cruise's love interest in Top Gun—has joined her girlfriend in a civil union. Mazel tov! [People]
  • Singer Bruno Mars was arrested in the wee hours of Sunday morning in Las Vegas for suspected narcotics possession. Is it just me, or has September been a banner month for celebrity drug-related arrests? Especially for Vegas narcs. [LVRJ]
  • Maybe America's blanket policy of giving every couple who bears six or more children their own reality show isn't such a good idea, after all: Bryan Masche, the father on WE show Raising Sextuplets was arrested and charged for threatening domestic iolence this weekend. [People]
  • The release of Playboy playmate Karissa Shannon's sex tape with actor Sam Jones is a "done deal." The payday was six figures, and apparently Sam's dick is huge. Isn't that always the case when a guy willingly releases a sex tape, though? [TMZ]