TiVo Users: Subscribe to All of Gawker.TV's Favorite Shows in an Instant
With one simple click of your TiVo remote, you can instantly subscribe to all of Gawker.TV's must-see television shows. From late-night antics to our favorite sitcoms, you'll stay informed on everything we'll be talking about the next day online.

If you have a TiVo—this is the best way to keep up with our editors and contributors favorite shows so that you'll always be in the loop on the shows we cover. So, how can you subscribe? Follow these instructions on your TiVo device:
Premiere and Premiere XL: Go to TiVo Central > Find TV, movies, & videos > Browse TV & Movies > Collections
Series 2 and TiVo HD: Go to TiVo Central > Find Programs > KidZone Recommendations & Guru Guides
Once you've arrived at our list, you'll find all of the shows we've deemed to be important to watch, as shown below:

And while you're at it, take a look at some of TiVo's other guides and collections here (although we highly doubt they could possibly be better than ours!)