He even has her salary stipulated in his contracts. This star mistakenly tried to employ a journalist in a coke deal and another actor's PR team is ruining the image of the girl he cheated with. What a hairy situation.

1. "This aging B list television actor had some requests in his most recent contract. One was that the producers pay about $100K a year to a woman who is by our actor's side all the time. Everyone thought it was a woman he was sleeping with but it turns out she is his professional toupee handler. She is in charge of making sure his hair is never out of place and carries a suitcase which contains ten other rugs all in different shades for different weather and his moods." [CDaN]

2. "Which A-list star mistakenly texted a journalist asking for some "high grade marching powder" after hitting the wrong name on his iPhone? Cue big panic... and some quickly invented "phone hijacking" claims." UK Mirror]

3. "The public relations team behind a cheating male celebrity believes that the best defense is a good offense. The team is reaching out to every media contact to suggest they use words like "promiscuous," "liar," "alcohol," "drugs," "tattoo," and "golddigger" in every article to describe the girl involved in the affair. They are also encouraging media to use the words "committed," "united," "devoted," "happy," and "generous" (?) to describe the couple. Their objective is to distract attention from their boy's bad behavior and shaky relationship by destroying any remaining shreds of the girl's reputation. Nice." [Blind Gossip]

4. "This B/C list rapper is always careful to mention the plight of those trapped in poverty, but was shooting very expensive Cristal out of water guns at party guests at a recent house party. Nothing too salacious, but a little wasteful don't you think? " [BuzzFoto]