She thinks they're helping her career, but they're just helping themselves. This celebrity mom is covering for her kid, a gay singer wants a closeted superstar really bad, and this celeb has a booger problem. Yes, stars are all snots.

1. "From the delusional files, this former tweener/singer/actress has been in this space before when her story of being passed around between guys popped up. After a recent party where she serviced six guys, someone asked her why she kept doing it and she said it makes her happy and they are all helping her career. Uh huh." [CDaN]

2. "Despite chronic denials, the ugly habits of this young star are finally coming to light. What is still surprisingly quiet, though, is the role that one of the star's parents had in all this. A rather interesting case is currently being built against the parent for a variety of infractions including evidence tampering and possible drug charges." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This male, openly gay B- pop singer has been doing everything he can to get a date with this former A list male singer who still has A+ name recognition. Even though the former A lister has been married to a woman, there have been rumors he is bi and the full on effort by our B- singer has been working." [CDaN]

4. "Which grotty celeb was snot on his best behaviour when doing a photoshoot at a swanky store? An onlooker told us he was constantly "picking his nose and wiping it on one of the most delicate designer pieces on display". Urgh! [UK Mirror]

5. "This aging, but still gorgeous C- list movie actress made a name for herself with one scene many years ago. The key is many years ago. Since then she has not done much acting until recently. It turns out that the head of a studio had a crush on our actress from that scene and offered her a role in a huge franchise if she would sleep with him. Thus a career was reborn." [CDaN]

6. "These two reality TV contestants from a show that just started up again this week, were seen smooching in a car when they didn't think anyone was watching. Our source tried to call the paps to get a photo but when the photog got there, they were gone. The thing that makes this scandalous is that one is married and the other is in a relationship. Not for long we think." [BuzzFoto]