Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Bored to Death mocks the decline of New York City's print industry, Dexter returns, Barack Obama beats Cleveland Brown at basketball, the premiere of Sister Wives, and Lisa Simpson ventures into Springfield's version of hipster Brooklyn.

Lisa Simpson Discovers the Life of a Struggling Artist Living in Brooklyn
After a rousing week at theater camp, Lisa finds inspiration from her counselors—played by the Flight of the Conchords' Bret and Jemaine—and runs away to live the life of an artist in Springfield's very own version of Brooklyn.

Bored to Death References the Dying New York Print Industry
No more Four Seasons dining and rejected second novels. The only television show currently on the air developed by a Brooklyn novelist returns for a second season with an episode branding print publishing as a bad breakup and/or dungeon fetish.

The Cleveland Show Returns With Cameos by Kanye West, Barack Obama's Basketball Skills
Our favorite Family Guy spin-off returned from summer hiatus with an action-packed episode filled with cameos. Kanye Kenny West returned and got his career off the ground while Cleveland battled against our nation's president in a heated game of hoops.

Toasters Kill More People than Sharks, and Other Fun Facts from Sister Wives
Kody's a regular guy, except he has three wives and a dozen kids. TLC's newest family-circus will be as addictive as every other show on the channel, but probably won't do anything to erase the stigma of being a polygamist.

Dexter Season 5 Premiere: What Now?
Last season's cliffhanger finale of Dexter left us with our collective jaws on the floor, so it's safe to say we've been clamoring for this season to finally get started. Last night's premiere didn't disappoint and reeled us right back in.