X Factor contestant, unabashed teen prostitute, and reality TV clown Chloe Victoria has been caught doing cocaine on camera. Even scarier: There's footage from an old makeover show in which she ditches her trademark tarantula eyelashes and pancake makeup.

Chloe Victoria is the British chav answer to Jersey Shore. "Chloe Heald" by birth (she's known as "Chloe Mafia" when she parties and "Chloe Victoria" on X Factor), she's only 19 but has been arrested 140 times, according to British news reports. Twice since her meteoric rise to fame last week, undercover reporters have caught Chloe prostituting (price: $400/hour or $2400/night). Now video has surfaced of Chloe snorting lines (and displaying some cameltoe):

[There was a video here]

Every time you think reality TV can't stoop lower, there it goes.

Before she was an international phenomenon, Chloe was merely a local phenomenon in her hometown of Wakefield, where she was a "full-time yummy mummy." Here's an episode of bizarre British makeover show Snog, Marry, Avoid, in which a bitchy robot gives Chloe a "makeunder." It's interesting primarily for the pre-makeunder portion: We see Chloe Victoria in the wild, applying "fit tan" and makeup in her bedroom. We also meet her baby daughter Destiny.

[There was a video here]

Viewed in sequence, these videos—along with Chloe's break-out performance on The X Factor—are a microcosm of how fame works in Great Britain. First, you dance around your bedroom fantasizing you are famous. Then Simon Cowell squawks at you, and suddenly you are actually famous and doing blow with undercover reporters. Amy Winehouse was discovered this way, too, right?


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