White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is the actual most terrifying human in America, but the people renting his Chicago home don't give a shit: They're refusing to move out early for his return. When will Emanuel stab them?

Emanuel, who is ~98% likely to leave the White House within the next week or so to run for mayor of Chicago, has leased his house out to a family through June 2011. So Emanuel approached them to say gimme gimme gimme now now now, and they responded, eh, we kind of like it here, in your beautiful rich neighborhood.

From the Sun-Times' Michael Sneed:

Sneed has learned the tenant, Robert "Rob" P. Halpin, 59, who holds the lease with his wife, Lori, until June 2011, refused to budge.

"I'm told Rahm and a close lawyer friend made several polite phone calls to Halpin last week, but he bumped up against the wrong guy," said a top Sneed source. "Halpin reportedly conducts his business from the house and his two kids are in school. He doesn't want to move."

In a telephone interview, Halpin, who described himself as an industrial real estate developer in the midst of heading to Louisville on business Monday, told Sneed: "Look, according to the lease I am not allowed to speak to the media about the house.

"But I can tell you I have no plans to move."

Oops! Sounds like he broke the lease just there. At least it should be good enough for Rahm Emanuel's lawyers (the mob).