New York Times Magazine's New Editor: Hugo Lindgren (Updated With Memo)

John Koblin reports this morning that after months of searching, the New York Times Magazine has finally picked a new editor to succeed Gerald Marzorati. [Update: NYT staff memo below].
It's Hugo Lindgren! Who, of course, is the former editorial director and consiglieri to Adam Moss at New York magazine who left to become executive editor at Bloomberg Businessweek earlier this year. He's also done a turn at the NYT mag already, where he was instrumental in creating its iconic "The Way We Live Now" section, which has since been improved upon elsewhere. New ideas for a new era, Hugo! Onwards and forward-like!
We must admit we're a bit surprised that the Times didn't go with someone in-house—considering the dearth of advancement opportunities there lately, keeping it in-house could have done at least a little to keep a handful of their most talented staffers happy. Because when they get bored, they're known to flee for greener pastures. [NYO. Pic: Flickr]
UPDATE: Here's the memo the NYT editor Bill Keller sent out to NYT staffers this morning.
To the Staff:
Our search for the next editor of The New York Times Magazine has
taken us to some of the masters of the genre and introduced us to some
exciting dark horses. We have considered strong candidates within the
paper and without, and enjoyed much discussion of what this
journalistic treasure should be in its next incarnation. I'm quite
delighted to report that the search ends now with Hugo Lindgren - a
gifted editor who has helped breathe new life into two magazines and
is fully ready to run his own.
It is something of a homecoming. Hugo worked at our magazine,
helping invent "The Way We Live Now" franchise. He was lured away by
Adam Moss when Adam moved to New York magazine. In March he assumed
the executive editor job at Business Week after that troubled book was
bought by Bloomberg and began a revival. He has written (extremely
well) about business, architecture and pop music.
Hugo, who is 42, grew up in Manhattan, attended Trinity and Duke,
and lives here with his wife, the writer Sarah Bernard, and their twin
"He's very smart, wildly creative and charismatic," says one
editor who has worked closely with him. "People like him and want to
do their best work for him. He just has a great magazine head."
The search took longer than I anticipated because there were so
many credible candidates, but I could not be happier about the
Hugo will move in October 25.
I want to particularly thank Gerry Marzorati for keeping the
magazine on form during our successor search while simultaneously
taking up his new role as the newsroom's master entrepreneur and, not
incidentally, blogging the U.S. Open. This Sunday's issue, with the
cover on Glenn Beck, is a reminder that Gerry will be a hard act to
follow. And my gratitude extends to Alex Star and the rest of the
magazine staff for their energy, devotion, high standards and patience
during this protracted process.