On October 30th, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will host dueling rallies on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to Restore Sanity and Keep Fear Alive in America. Gawker.TV will be there, and we're inviting you to join us.

That's right! We're heading down to our nation's capital for what promises to be one of the most interesting and hilarious political rallies in recent history. Turnout is expected to be huge, especially with Oprah's blessing of the event (?!), and we're asking any Gawker.TV readers who would like to tag along to meet us on the National Mall as we cover the day's events. So, book those plane tickets! Reserve a hotel room! Or... you know... ask people to carpool and beg that friend from college that you haven't seen in three years to let you crash on their couch. Do it for America!

If you're in New York and looking for a free ride to the District, Arianna Huffington has arranged for buses to transport anyone who is looking to go to the rally. Sign up here. Feel free to coordinate travel groups in the comment section below and make sure to RSVP to our Facebook event.

Once you're in D.C., we'll be meeting in front of the National Museum of Natural History (1400 Constitution Ave) right on the National Mall. The rallies are slated to start at noon, so expect to meet us there between 11:30 and 12:00 (we'll have signage).

If your schedule or budget (or apathy) doesn't allow you to travel to join us, you can still take part. We'll be taking submissions for slogans and turning the best ones into signs that will be picketed at the rallies. Enter your submissions in the comments below and include the hashtag #rallyslogan (try to keep them clean and appropriate length for a piece of poster board or t-shirt). Remember, this is a crowd of Stewart/Colbert fans, so bring the funny.

Did we mention that you should RSVP our Facebook event?

We'll see you in D.C.! And remember, if you don't take part, the Tea Partiers win.