It's just like old times: After being ejected from Facebook after a cocaine-related arrest, Sean Parker worked hard to cultivate a more upscale image. But now comes news he flipped out at a New York nightclub doorkeeper. Whoops.

The New York Post's Page Six today carries word the founding president of Facebook "exploded" when his two female friends weren't allowed into Provocateur in the meatpacking district. Parker lost his temper and accused the nightclub of discriminating against short women, a charge even the tech investor's friends confirmed to the gossip sheet. Less certain: Whether Parker threatened to delete nightclub staff from Facebook, a charge his camp disputes. Still, there's no arguing the nightclub hyper-aggression was very poorly timed from a PR standpoint: Not only was Parker arrested over cocaine at a party while working at Facebook, he is also presently being portrayed by Justin Timberlake in The Social Network as a master manipulator fond of blow-dappled college coeds. Plus he's been trying to keep up a "classy" image among guests at his Party Mansion, like Julia Allison. That's not as easy as it sounds.

[Photo of Parker by Eirik Solheim/Flickr]