A woman named Daynara Fernandez is suing Hyatt hotels after finding a male employee in her room wearing her skirt, and her underwear, and her high heels. He kept his uniform shirt on, though!

As The Smoking Gun reports, when Fernandez returned to her hotel after attending a wedding, she was surprised to find the door to her room blocked by the cleaning cart. Inside, her luggage had been opened and her belongings strewn about. Distressing! But that was nothing compared to what she saw next:

It's sort of unclear what "me like" is in reference to—Ms. Fernandez? Her clothes? The act of cross-dressing?—but, you know, awkward! The situation didn't improve much from there:

The incident occurred in June; Fernandez is now suing Hyatt for invasion of privacy and negligence. Garcia-Franco, who pled guilty to "disturbing the peace," was sentenced to 90 days of court supervision and a $187 fine. For what it's worth, this could be a great opening to a heartwarming romantic comedy.