Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Will Ferrell hosts the world's largest meetup of superheroes, last night's Glee gave Billy Bush a religious experience, a mashup of Liza Minelli's most loopy moments, and an episode of Running Wilde is actually quite funny!

Running Wilde Hits Its Stride in Episode Three
For the first time since its premiere, an episode of Running Wilde was very funny! Granted, it had pretty much the same set-up as Arrested Development in that it was like watching Gob in an office environment sans "Office Magic."

Stephen Colbert Proves That Even Drug Lords Care About Positive PR
The Colbert Report's guest John Burnett describes Mexican drug cartels desire for good public relations, despite, you know, murdering thousands of people, including journalists. Also, Stephen sneaks in a good Mark Zuckerberg jab—always fun!

Will Ferrell Sets a Record with 1,580 of his Closest Superfriends
Has it really taken this long for Will Ferrell to play some sort of costumed hero or villain? In this clip, super-vixen Sara Underwood visits Will at the helm of a unique promotional event for his upcoming film Megamind.

Billy Bush Discusses His Religious Experience During Last Night's Episode of Glee
Billy Bush discussed his religious experience during Glee last night. Watch him thank God for DVRs (and their almost-miraculous ability to let him fast forward though the risque parts) and inform us about what he prayed for last night.

Watch This Excellent Re-Edit of Last Night's Larry King Live Interview with Liza Minnelli
As if Liza Minnelli didn't seem loopy enough last night on Larry King Live, fourfour's Rich Juzwiak has done a hilarious re-edit of the interview's best moments. Our favorite part is the way Larry King says "Pizazz."