All the Places You Never Thought Would Have Bedbugs But Probably Do

The Waldorf might have bedbugs. Yes, that Waldorf, the schmancy hotel that invented a salad, where rooms cost $730 a night. But the itchy menace has penetrated every vaunted institution in America! No building, palace, or visiting dignitary is safe!
Here's a list of places you thought were safe, but aren't.
- The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
- The Empire State Building
- The Wall Street Journal
- Elle
- Hell, the whole Time Warner Center
- Bloomingdale's
- Macy's
- Victoria's Secret
- The Toronto Film Festival
- Goldman Sachs
- Abercrombie & Fitch
- Hollister (arguably unsurprising)
- Times Square's Busiest Movie Theater
- Niketown
- The Manhattan District Attorney
- The Brooklyn District Attorney
- Food Network
- The New York City Department of Health (last year)
"It's fairly common to have a couple of bedbugs brought in by an individual," the Department of Health announced during their bedbug infestation. In other words: Everyone is at risk! Panic!