Pedobear, the Internet joke that sparked a full-blown media panic, is on the loose at New York's Comic Con this weekend, dancing to Michael Jackson and handing out candy. Somebody call the militia! Protect our kids from this dangerous threat!

Attention NYPD: We are receiving numerous reports of Pedobear roaming the halls of New York Comic Con this weekend. Here is one sighting, via Twitter user Boivin:

And here is Pedobear, mascot of pedophiles everywhere, attracting children into his dangerous orbit by dancing to Michael Jackson's Beat It:

Here, pedophile symbol Pedobear practices molesting children by hugging an adult woman:

RED ALERT! Arrest the man in the Pedobear costume, who is certainly a registered sex offender!

Ignore the fact that Pedobear is a stupid Internet joke which pokes fun at pedophiles and in no way should be associated with real-life child molesters. (And definitely do not read our coverage of past bullshit Pedobear panics in California and Oklahoma.) This is the real deal. Every child in New York City is about one millisecond away from being molested to death by Pedobear.

(And if you've forgotten how to start an overblown panic over Pedobear, here's a ridiculous news report to refresh your memory:)

Update: Pedobear speaks! A man claiming to be the person in the Pedobear costume emails us:

Hey man! I was the pedobear cosplayer that you have in all the pictures, as well as the one that won the MJ dance competition when I was against the other people on stage. Thanks for writing how stupid things are when people blow stuff out of proportion. It really puts a perspective on things and shows how stupid some people can be. It's the internet meme being celebrated, not pedophilia. LOL

[Images via Royaroo's Twitter, Boivin's Twitter, Liz Lee Pic Archive's Flickr]