Carl Paladino: 'Nothing to Be Proud of in Being a Dysfunctional Homosexual'

We already knew Tea Party-backed New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino is sort of racist, and definitely a hypocrite. It was only a matter of time before Carl Paladino said a bunch of homophobic stuff. That time is now!
Speaking to a group of Orthodox Jewish leaders in Williamsburg, Paladino promised that he would veto any gay marriage bill passed by the legislature. Oh, also: "I don't want [children] brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is an equal valid and successful option." That's some A-grade, Buffalo-bred homophobia right there!
Lest you think this is an out-of-context quote used by the mean New York media to attack Paladino, he also said this, according to the Daily News:
"I didn't march in the Gay Pride parade this year. My opponent did. There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual. That's not how God created us, and that's not the example that we should be showing our children - and certainly not in our schools," Paladino said.
For those of you keeping score at home, that's a smear of Paladino's Democratic opponent Andrew Cuomo wrapped inside a layer of gay-bashing like a rotten hot dog wrapped in bacon made of sadness.
[Pic via Getty]