Comment of the Day: Don't Worry, President Obama Is Going to Be Just Fine

Today we looked at some encouraging polling numbers about Sarah Palin. She would not beat Obama in an election right now! But, of course, we should still fret and worry about 2012, right? Wrong, says one optimistic commenter.
Barack Obama will win, and it doesn't matter whether the economy gets better, and it doesn't matter whether health care turns out well, and he doesn't even have to become more progressive to do it. He will win because the GOP has no one who can run a sustained, national campaign who is not a lowdown, dirty nutball without serious negatives. To defeat Barack Obama, you're going to have to raise $1 billion and for two years you're going to have to campaign steadily, which means having every nook and cranny that falls from your mouth published and picked over on blogs and TV talk shows and there is no way that any of their big names can do this. None. At. All.
Plus, even though the majority of the people don't approve of how he's doing his job, most people DO like him, which is a better starting point than most possible GOP contenders. The last time I remember seeing polling numbers on the approval of Republicans in Congress, it was lower than BHO's approval. So, point is, we may not think the prez is so hot, but we think even less of his opponents, which is an even better starting point. And IF the GOP takes over both houses, then America will be confronted with two constrasting styles and plans, as opposed to now where we have one plan and one group of people saying no. Quite frankly, I'd take my chances that the prez comes out on top over John Boehner and Mitch McConnell any day. Because, really, one's an oompa loompa and the other looks like a turkey, neither has come up with a plan for America in their entire lives, probably not even as a project in college.
Also, I can't believe Sarah Palin is even considered a frontrunner. It just goes to show you how ignorant the pundit class is.
Knock on wood?