That's right, it's the "Patron Saint of Shark Jumping" himself, joining this show's cast in only its 10th episode, surely a personal best. And in a self-aware nod to Who's the Boss? — it's guest star Katherine "Mona" Helmond!

So, Melissa takes her niece Lennox to a "Future Leaders of Toledo" mixer, hoping that she will befriend a less-troublemaking crowd. Keen eyes will spot Mr. McGinley smarming it up with the extras in this scene well before he sloshes over to engage councilwoman Melissa:

[There was a video here]

Our second Very Special Guest Star is another sitcom legend who, like Betty White, has been playing "kooky old lady" roles since before most of us were born:

[There was a video here]

Helmond's presence demonstrates once again that the producers of this show know exactly what they are doing. As a sitcom, Melissa & Joey exists on a similar plane as — say — the film Shaun of the Dead, or the band Tenacious D: it's simultaneously an homage to, a parody of, and a well-executed participant in its own genre.