Here's a trailer for All Good Things, the long-delayed dramatic thriller based on the real-life story of Robert Durst, the troubled heir to a New York real estate fortune whose wife mysteriously disappeared in 1982. Geez, Gosling, another problem marriage?

There's this wreck of a union — Durst was questioned in the disappearance of his wife, and in the murder of his longtime friend, reporter Susan Berman — and the depress-o-rama hipster tragedy Blue Valentine coming out later this December. It might be nice to see Gosling doing something cheery for once! Well, actually, maybe not.

Anyway, Kristen Wiig is in this, in a serious role, which should be interesting. Frank Langella is always great, and there are a couple of good New York theater actors who pop up in smaller roles. I'm not sure why this movie was delayed so long (it was supposed to come out in the summer of 2009) (Update: It was because of the Weinstein Company's financial difficulties), though that usually means bad things. But who knows! Maybe it actually is really good. This trailer makes it seem pretty compelling. And, oddly, it's good to see Kirsten Dunst again, after something of a hiatus.