The artwork for rapper Kanye West's new album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, has been banned! That is, according to Kanye, who Tweeted the cover earlier this evening. Want to see it? There are boobs!

So, this is all just according to Kanye, who is not, uh, necessarily the most reliable source, about anything. But: Here's the album cover (apparently depicting him "chilling on the couch with his Phoenix"? Whatever, Kanye.) that was "banned" by a mysterious "they," presumably due to the nudity. The painted nudity. (Why couldn't anyone ban the album name, which is just awful?)

And here is Kanye's Twitter rant:

Yoooo they banned my album cover!!!!! Ima tweet it in a few...Sun Oct 17 20:43:29 via web

Kanye West

Banned in the USA!!! They don't want me chilling on the couch with my phoenix! Sun Oct 17 22:59:25

Kanye West

In the 70s album covers had actual nudity... It's so funny that people forget that... Everything has been so commercialized now.Sun Oct 17 23:05:09 via web

Kanye West

I know that cover just blew yall minds ... I wish yall could see how hard I'm smiling right now!!!Sun Oct 17 23:11:59 via web

Kanye West

In all honesty ... I really don't be thinking about Wal-Mart when I make my music or album covers #Kanyeshrug!Mon Oct 18 00:08:37 via web

Kanye West

I have so many questions! Like: "What is a #kanyeshrug?" And "Was anyone's mind actually blown by that cover?" Plus: Remember when Jane's Addiction wasn't allowed to release Ritual De Lo Habitual with that painting of boobs? And then they released a different cover with just the text of the first amendment? Seriously: Wasn't that bad-ass? Man: Jane's Addiction was really the coolest, weren't they? Kanye should do that.