Sign Up For the Gawker.TV Newsletter For a Chance to Win a Free iPad!

Have you signed up for our daily newsletter yet? In doing so, you will be entered into a Gawker Media-wide raffle to win a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad! Already subscribed? You're already entered to win! No need to sign up twice.
When you subscribe to Gawker.TV's newsletter, you'll receive the night's must-see TV in your inbox around 5pm every Monday through Friday. We break down the night's offerings hour-by-hour so that you'll always know what to tune into (and what we'll be tuning into.) In addition to the primetime lineup, we include the day's top stories and a list of every single guest on the Late Night shows.

How does the contest work? Simply click here to subscribe and our daily newsletter will arrive in your inbox. We will then choose one subscriber at random from our mailing list subscriber base. Sorry, this contest is open to US residents only.
Standard Gawker Media Contest Rules apply. The contest officially begins on October 19 12:00pm EST and ends on October 26 at 11:59pm EST.You may also enter by sending their email address and contact information to:
Gawker Media, Attn: iPad Giveaway
210 Elizabeth Street, Fourth Floor
New York NY 10012
Good luck!