An anonymous third-year student at Boston College Law School has sent an open letter to the school's dean offering to leave school after this semester in exchange for a full refund, because the job scene is so bleak. Seems fair?

A little background, from the Boston Herald:

"We are discouraged, scared, and in many cases, feeling rather hopeless about our chances of ever getting to practice law," the student wrote.

The law school student's missive then proposed a "solution to this problem."

The student offered to leave law school without a degree at the end of the semester in exchange for a full tuition refund - a move the erstwhile aspiring attorney says would help BC's US News ranking because it wouldn't have to report another graduate's state of unemployment.

So? Fair? No! Not fair, you ungrateful law students! What is the school gonna do in exchange for the refund? Pry that wonderful legal knowledge out of your brain? Obviously not. And I know it's hard to believe, but going to school doesn't guarantee you a job.

BC Law is not warm to the idea. The law school said in a statement yesterday it is "deeply concerned" about its students' job prospects but no institution of higher education can guarantee a job after graduation. "What we can do is provide the best education possible, and work together to provide as many career opportunities as possible," the statement said.


Now, as a former resident of the same campus that houses BC Law (a fine, fine law school — really!) I could get behind this student demanding a refund for all of their meals at Stuart dining hall, because after they switched onion ring recipes back in the fall of '05, it was just never the same.

[Image via Shutterstock]