19-year-old Jennifer Mee, who in 2007 was made famous for hiccuping 50 times a minute for five weeks straight, has been charged with first degree murder in Florida. Mee and two other girls allegedly killed someone during a botched robbery.

You might remember Mee as "Hiccup Girl" after several appearances on the Today Show. When she was fifteen, out of nowhere, she started hiccuping and couldn't stop for the next five weeks. Now it seems her bout with hiccups may have driven her totally mad: St. Petersburg police last night released a statement saying that Mee had been arrested with two accomplices for the murder of a man they were trying to rob. "Jennifer Mee lured the victim," to the scene and her friends "robbed him at gunpoint and took miscellaneous items from his person." The victim, Shannon A. Griffin, was shot several times after a struggle and died.

[Image via Pinellas County Sheriff's Office]