New Mexico Lt. Gov. Diane Denish made a funny during a televised debate. Denish, who is running for governor, wanted to accuse opponent Susana Martinez of wasteful spending on government bonuses. Instead, she said Martinez "gave big, fat boners."

Since it happened in New Mexico, nobody really noticed the Great Gaffe From the Gotcha Gods until about a week later.

[There was a video here]

Denish—who is a Democrat and currently the state's lieutenant governor—instructs the Republican Martinez—a District Attorney who is currently ahead in the polls—to come clean on wasteful spending:

Tell the voters, "I used it for fancy resorts for my employees. I used that money for luxury cars. And I took border security funds, border security funds to protect our borders, and gave big, fat boners."

Denish's boner speech raises many questions. Like: Why would a politician willingly create a soundbite that included the phrase, "I used that money for luxury cars"? And: In these circumstances, it is better to pretend like nothing happened (as Denish does) or should there be some sort of acknowledgment? [via Guanabee]