His wife isn't too happy he's been hanging with the boys behind her back. This actress framed a costar for burning an expensive dress, and this Olympian is bedding hordes of girls. Sounds like his life is going, ahem, swimmingly.

1. "This former '80s sitcom star was always very cute and popular and respectable. He married his actress sweetheart, and the couple are two of the straightest and most über-conservative celebs and parents around. So it pains us to inform you that he's actually a major closet case. One of his wife's friends spotted him in a gay bar a few nights ago. The wife was so mad that she locked him out of the house and threatened divorce." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This Blind takes place on the set of a period piece made within the last couple of years. Two female characters, both well known names. After a long day of shooting, one of the stars (who had been drinking throughout the day) got careless with her cigarette and set fire to a very expensive dress. She managed to put out the flames and took the dress to her costar's trailer (who is also a smoker). She set up the scene to look like the costar was the one who had burned the dress and the production company was very upset with the actress. To this day, the costar thinks she was responsible for the debacle, but we know better!" [BuzzFoto]

3. "This former A+ Olympic athlete who really needs to step it up if he does not want to embarrass himself at the next one, really should put some curtains in his windows. All of his neighbors are keeping a running tally of the number of women he has brought back to his place and even have scorecards they flash after the event has been completed." [CDaN]

4. "Nothing juicy about this, or particularly blind worthy, but it is funny so thought I would make it a blind. This fantastically funny talk show host who is now an actor on a struggling to stay on the air television show called up a friend of his. The friend or his wife was not home, but the nanny was. Instead of just leaving a message, our talk show host decided to talk and talk and talk. It kind of went like this. 'This is ______ calling, have you seen my show [the talk show, not the sitcom]? You should tell all of your friends to watch, and then I will have one million viewers. And can you call the president of __ and tell him that you love it? Thanks!' He kept going on and on even after the nanny told him she would take a message." [CDaN]