Today at Gawker.TV, Stephen Colbert calls out anti-gay GOP candidates, Barney gets sexually childish on HIMYM, NeNe undergoes a Real Housewives nose job, Chelsea Handler hates the CW, and the Back to the Future cast reunites on The Today Show!

Stephen Colbert Mocks GOP Candidates for Their Anti-Gay Statements
Last week, Colorado Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck compared homosexuality to alcoholism. Then, Massachusetts Republican Congressional candidate Sean Bielat argued that, if short people can't join the military, gays shouldn't be allowed, either. Yesterday, Stephen Colbert mocked both of them.

Barney Challenges Self to Bang Females Communicating Only in "Little Boy" Voice on HIMYM
It wasn't easy, but on last night's HIMYM, Barney met the challenge of bedding a girl with the verbal skills of a six-year-old. Somehow he's able to accomplish this AND have a "will-they-again or won't-they-again" moment with Robin simultaneously.

Nose Jobs & Baby Showers on The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Nene's surgery episode has arrived, and girlfriend looks good and keeps everyone laughing while she's recovering. You may have thought nothing could overshadow Nene on Real Housewives of Atlanta, but Phaedra's baby shower has everything from ballerinas to big hats.

Chelsea Handler Does Not Like the CW
In her opening monologue last night, Chelsea Handler hilariously schooled tween network the CW on its creepy teacher-student storyline in Life Unexpected. In other news, I now know that Life Unexpected exists.

The Cast of the Back to the Future Movies Gets Together on The Today Show
This morning, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and Robert Zemeckis talked a little about their memories of making the Back to the Future movies—and the impact that they've had on our culture—on The Today Show. It's just great stuff.