Google helped create an ad calling for California's "worst criminals" to get the death penalty, with "no exceptions." But it was inadvertent; Google doesn't even support sentencing people to death. Whoops.

It's all completely understandable. See, Google, a famously liberal company, got in bed with Karl Rove and the Republican Party and somehow that went awry. Google now tells TechCrunch it is "disappointed" that its $20,000 donation to Rove's Republican State Leadership Committee was used, along with other money, for this positively Rovian ad:

"Google gives to campaign committees of both parties... We were not consulted about this ad.... and are disappointed to learn the committee chose to spend their funds in this manner."

In summary, a company whose motto is "don't be evil" is not compatible with the most famously evil political operative on the planet, and Google is just now learning this. Google might have "the world's best engineers," but its political scientists are way below average.