Southern California parents be warned! This Halloween there's an increased risk of finding pot-laced candy in your kids' trick-or-treat bags, according to the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. The candy is produced in L.A. area "clandestine labs and residential kitchens." Yum!

As kids, we were warned of finding razor blades in apples and other shit like that. And by the way, who actually ate the apples, raisins and other "healthy" crap that just weighed down their trick-or-treat bags? Anyway, this year another sinister sign of our times has reared its ugly head, at least according to the LA Sheriff's Department. Part of the LASD's statement (via LAist):

The items are packaged to be attractive to children and teens. Some items have no label to warn the consumer of their content, and many that are labeled do not contain a reasonable indication of drug content, recommended dosage, or instructions for use. Because their makers intend to remain anonymous, no contact information is listed.

No shit. You mean these guys don't print their address/email/phone number on the packaging? Damn. One more question here... what pothead in his or her right mind is going to give their weed candy away for free? You can watch a boring 11-minute public service announcement here.