She put on a mask and relived her childhood. This actress hired a bodyguard to keep her husband from cheating. This hip-hopper used to strip for gays, and this reality star is turning tricks. No treat in that!

1. "This actress loved Halloween as a kid and complained to friends that she really missed the ritual of Trick or Treating. So she did something about it. She bought a regular Halloween costume and went door-to-door in her neighborhood pretending to be a kid. Since she is quite tiny in person, it wasn't that difficult for her to pass. As long as it was dark and she kept her costume on. She was totally into it, and even consulted with other kids on the street to find out which houses were giving out the "good candy". Oh, and true to form, if she felt the person doing the Treating was being stingy with the candy, she would ask for more. So if anyone in one of the ritzier neighborhoods in LA remembers a rather pushy older kid negotiating for a second Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, it just may have been our actress." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This A list celebrity wife is so afraid of her marriage breaking up like all the other relationships around her, she's hired a private detective to constantly spy on her spouse whenever he is out. His new bodyguard? Not a bodyguard at all, just a plant by the wife, getting double the pay. We think being this paranoid and spying on your spouse can't bode well for a marriage." [BuzzFoto]

3. "This foreign born, male, B list hip hop singer used to supplement his income by dancing at bachelor parties. Yes, bachelor, not bachelorette parties. Must have been interesting." [CDaN]

4. "What former female Survivor contestant from way back is now turning tricks to make a living?" [CDaN]

5. "This female C list actress, and best friend of Coke Mom, finally found some work, but it was not easy. Although she does not use on set or go to work on coke, she had such a bad coke reputation around town that no one was willing to take a chance on hiring her."[CDaN]

6. "This C list television actress, who has been in this space before for her bad behavior, is on a hit ensemble network show. Not a singing show. Anyway, she was on set last week and lost two of her teeth. That meth use must be getting out of hand." [CDaN]

7. "Idiot idea of the day. This former reality star who just had the show she was on canceled, thinks it would be a great idea if she had a reality show that began with her making a sex tape, hopefully getting pregnant from that sex and then having the cameras following her during her pregnancy." [CDaN]