Photos From Last Night's Gawker.TV 1st Birthday Party
Last night was Election Night and people were feeling frisky. Good thing for everyone we here at Gawker.TV were in a celebrating kind of mood. Click and see all the debauchery from the night we turned 1.
Photos courtesy of the Social Caller

Aw yeah. It was just one of those nights.

DJ Frankenmack came correct once again this month. Even when Frank's in "Zombie-Mode" they're still the best DJs in NYC. You heard it here first, folks.

Destination Bar was hopping, once again. Special shout out to the folks over at 211 Ave A for always letting us play in their yard.

Ah, cupcakes and PBR. What better way to celebrate?

Eventually people settled into their places and assembled their teams. As you can see from Ruhi here, the bar is very comfy.

And as you can see from Bill Zilla, people settle in in different ways.

The ever-photogenic Kari Ferrell stopped by with Elliott, game faces in tow. Kari, in particular, had the eye of the tiger last night.

Long & Strong & Garfunkle were ready to bring the ruckus as well.

Gawker.TV superstar Matt Cherette even made an appearance last night, seen here with fellow ICE T Party teammates Alison and John, poised and ready to straight up dominate the game.

Sisters from another Mister, Kate #5 and Ena Brgjraghbevich were an absolute vision last night. Too bad The Winslow's just couldn't come together as a team this month. Next month, guys. Next month.

You can try and hide all you want cute, hidden-face lady, but we're gonna get you.

Told you so.

This was the portion of the night where our trusted MC Kirk delighted us with his Slingblade impression.

"Enough Slingblade! Back to Trivia." Thank you, Alison. Someone had to say it. Can we get some Reggae Horns?

*Reggae Horns* Thank you, DJ Frankenmack.

The Dancing Ghost of Destination Bar even dropped by to say Happy Birthday. That guy is the best.

"Got any Cheese?"

"No, I'm telling you Sabrina's cat was a cat because he tried to take over the world!" "Are you sure?"

Richard Blakeley couldn't have been bothered with trivia as he basked in the glow of his brainchild's 1st Birthday and Giants World Series hangover.

After identifying his 4th consecutive TV show theme song Preston literally got the Sho' Nuff, Last Dragon glow. Scary stuff.

Then Kari took "the glow" from Preston, Bruce Leroy style, in a "Who's the Master?"... "I AM" moment. It was sick.

This girl saw the whole thing.

I love this picture.

All of a sudden, people started milling about aimlessly. Our game had ended and it was time to announce the winners...

In 3rd place (as pointed out by MC Kirk) Team Pee Your Pants. Congrats Lazarou, SteveDave, Bryan, Chris and Chrystina. Hope to see you in your new t-shirts next month.

In 2nd Place (again, thank you Kirk), The ICE T Party. As you can see from the picture, some people were happier than others with this placing.

And in 1st place (ok, we get it Kirk) Rally To Restore Cunnilingus—winners of both Trivia and Best Team Name. Way to go, guys. Bunch of ringers if you ask me, but hey, I'm not bitter.

Gawker.TV: one year strong and still going. Thanks for coming out everybody. See you next month.