This V-card loss is so monumental, we have two blind items about it. This talk show host pissed off a celebrity chef by commenting on her size. We doubt the host will be shown the door, back or otherwise.

1. "How he lost it. What's "it"? What else? He gave it to a more experienced older woman, if you can call her that, also living the public life and with it all its attendant miseries. Which could explain why she chose to, um, initiate him the way she did. Because his first time was certainly not conventional, at least not when I was growing up, but then again, maybe that's what they do at summer camp now: losing your virginity through the backdoor...? Like he doesn't have enough to swagger about these days, he also gets to boast about the fact that he's already tried what so many boys to men and grown men want to try so badly. Now that's a story that he can tell forever, and probably will, in a few years, when everyone stops caring." [Lainey Gossip]

2. "This is a little different than what I normally do, but it is still good. So, yesterday many of you were speculating about the Lainey blind regarding a guy who lost his virginity through the back door of a an older woman. Last night I got an e-mail from my most reliable source. The way this person heard the story is as follows: It was not the back door, but was oral sex. Also, the person many of you speculating as the woman is not the correct woman. The person who gave the oral sex has been in the news a lot in the past few days and is much more age appropriate, although it would still be illegal in some states which is why the tabloids have been hesitant to publish. The person everyone is guessing for the recipient is correct." [CDaN]

3. "This female talk show host clearly has issues with weight. Her own weight has varied over the years, and she regularly admires and comments on the bodies of thin guests when she greets them ('Look how tiny your waist is!'). She doesn't say anything about the appearance of regular-sized or plus-sized guests. Well, not to their face, anyway. A recent show was supposed to feature a cooking segment with a celebrity chef. Before the show started, the host cattily commented to a few staffers that the chef looked a lot heavier than last time, and puffed out her cheeks to illustrate the point. She then said how glad she was that the chef had packed on the pounds, and gleefully exclaimed how tiny she would look by comparison.

The chef somehow heard about this, and balked at doing the segment with the host. To avert disaster, the producers tried to equalize the situation by dressing the host in bigger, baggier clothing and the chef in slimmer, more form-fitting clothing, but the chef was still unhappy. After much negotiation, the producers subbed in another host for that particular segment. The first host refused to apologize, saying it wasn't her fault that the chef had gotten fat. She then tried to justify her remarks by stating that the only reason she had mentioned the chef's weight in the first place because she was 'genuinely concerned about the chef's health.' Sure." [Blind Gossip]