He's so bruised, his doctor can barely cover up his fetish. These actors are ditching their famous lovers to start a relationship and this actor broke up with his boyfriend to get famous. He needs a slap in the face.

1. "He like his sex unconventional. Some would call it experimental, certainly vigorous, and definitely physical. Maybe too physical. Mixing pain into his pleasure, and cutting very, very close to a dangerous line is taking its toll on his body. He shows up with strange bruises, the next week it's a minor fracture, his neck has been strained, sometimes there's a knee brace, the shoulder's been f-cked up for a while, and his back is a chronic issue too. The excuse of course is that he's active, that he exercises, he's sporty, and that's true, yes, but the injuries are not sustained while playing pickup. No, not at all. The injuries happen when he's doing his business with his steady girl, a willing and capable participant. His doctor is aware of what's been ailing him, and WHY it's ailing him. Helps when he can. But he's been urged to take it easy because lately it's been getting too rough. Especially with insurance and medicals and all that kind of paperwork, it's hard to explain away the cuts and sprains, the little accidents that seem to be occurring with increasing frequency. He's so into it, and he gets so off on it, it's hard from him to curtail his fun. But they all agree, at least it's been the case in the past, that when it's time to get to work, he manages to keep his freak under control." [Lainey Gossip]

2. "Everyone is an actor in this one (although some have multiple talents). Boy A and Girl A have been a fake couple for more than a year. Boy B and Girl B have been a real couple for many years. Boy A and Girl B recently worked on a project together in which they were pretending to be a couple. Except that after a while they were not longer pretending. Boy A now regularly spends overnight sexy time at Girl B's house. Girl A is annoyed, because—while her breakup with Boy A is inevitable—she has no control over him when they aren't scheduled for a photo op. Boy B, on the other hand, is back home on the opposite coast and has no idea what's going on." [Blind Gossip]

3. "I don't know if you will ever get the first person in this blind, but he is a celebrity. He is a gay actor/singer/and bff of one of the biggest A list female singers in the world right now. Anyway, a few years ago our celebrity was involved in a relationship with this A list movie actor. Not just a fling, but a real relationship. Not living together, but it was still a relationship. Anyway, it ended a few years ago after our A list actor went from mainly (with one exception) obscure small roles to international stardom. Our celebrity says there was so much pressure on the relationship from so many different people and agents and managers it just could not survive." [CDaN]