Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Ken Jeong is the world's funniest sous-chef, a bearded Jay Leno, Michael J. Fox appears on The Good Wife, Stephen Colbert reacts to crab vending machines, and an interview with Rachel McAdams filled with longing, sexual glances.

Stephen Colbert Discovers China's Crab Vending Machine
A Chinese businessman recently created a vending machine filled with live crabs. The machines will find their way into Chinese subway stations shortly. Not surprisingly, Stephen Colbert deemed it the "Craziest F#?king Thing I've Ever Heard" last night.

The Sexual Chemistry Between Rachel McAdams and Harry Smith is Palpable
Harry Smith put on his "Quiet Storm" voice for his Rachel McAdams interview this morning on The Early Show, and McAdams clearly had hearts in her eyes. Watch the flirtation between these two as they trade compliments and longing glances.

Michael J. Fox Plays a Conniving Defense Lawyer on The Good Wife
Michael J Fox joins The Good Wife cast to play Louis Canning, a defense lawyer who uses his "neurological disorder" to sway his jury's ruling. He also makes Juliana Margulies late for the very hearing both lawyers are attending.

Ken Jeong is the World's Funniest Sous-Chef
This morning Ken Jeong, everyone's favorite Spanish teacher, stopped by the Rachael Ray Show to promote Community. In a delightful twist he decided to stick around a bit longer for the cooking segment. Watch and enjoy the awesomeness that followed.

Here's What Jay Leno Looks Like With a Beard
Jimmy Kimmel brought up Conan's out-of-the-park first-night ratings and suggested that Jay Leno might be getting a little bit nervous. How can you tell? Check out this clip of last night's Tonight Show. Jay looks like a bad mall Santa.