Gawker Giveaway: Floating in Space (Updated)

Hey, need something to put on that blank wall in your living room? Well, step right in and enter our caption contest, and a pretty little painting could be yours! This all out of the goodness of our hearts.
Because we love you, we're giving away this lovely painting by Irene Suchocki. All you have to do is leave a funny (or poignant, if you want) caption based on this stirring image of celebrity aerialist Justin Bieber. Then we'll pick our favorite on Monday and the winner will be sent the piece, framed and everything! (By the way, this isn't promotion for anything, no advertorial, just us giving a loyal reader something nice.) Happy captioning!
Write a Caption

What You'll Win

"Do you realize that we are floating in space" by Irene Suchocki
How to Enter
Submit your captions in the comments only. (If you're not a commenter, see here for details on how to become one.) The deadline for contest entries is Monday, November 15 at 12 pm ET. We'll pick a winner from the comments on this post and notify him/her by email shortly thereafter. This means you must have a valid email associated with your commenter account. All standard Gawker contest rules apply, naturally.
Update: We've picked two winners. (It turns out the artist provided us with two pieces, not just one.) Congrats to robbiecoop and Captain Yesterday on your winning captions! We'll be in touch shortly to coordinate sending you your prize. And thanks to everyone else for taking part!