She recently got so blitzed she puked in a bucket in a hotel bar. This actress lost a role to a dumber rival and this leading lady is bleaching her skin. There's no rehab for vanity.

1. "Everybody loves this actress with the famous name. That's why we're sorry to report that she has a really big problem. Although she has been through rehab, she thinks she is mature enough now to drink in moderation. Wrong. According to some folks on the set of her new film, she has been getting falling-down drunk every night for the past few weeks. One especially bizarre episode last week started out with her drinking and begging the bartender repeatedly for a tuna sandwich to share with her "baby." Every few minutes, she would lean over the bar, slurring her words. "Do you know my baby, baby, baby? Do you have some tuna fish for my baby, baby?" Turns out that her "baby" is her dog. She got so drunk that she wound up on the floor of the hotel bar, a bucket between her knees as she vomited. Gross." [Blind Gossip]

2. "Going back to the '90s for this one and one of my favorite movies. Anyway, back when this movie was shot, this current A+ list female always movies actress still had to audition. So, she did for this comedy but did not get the role. Why? In a very, very brief audition our actress broke down three times crying and screaming. The producers called her "bat s**t crazy." So, instead the role went to an unknown who was deemed by the producers as "dumber than a box of rocks," but has worked her way up to a B+ lister who has always been in movies. Oh, and some videos." [CDaN]

3. "This pretty, 30-something actress may profess to be proud of her heritage in the press but we know this: several years ago she had extensive skin bleaching done in Europe. We don't know why she did this, she wasn't a dog to begin with." [BuzzFoto]