When he got tired of hookers, he decided to put a celeb on his payroll instead. This singer is cruel to her cat and this couple is headed for a messy divorce. It's so much easier to pay for it.

1. "This new romance is based less on love then good old financial convenience. Our athlete was tired of paying by the hour or day so decided to pay this celebrity by the month. Both are very happy." [CDaN]

2. "This B List singer who has been in the press lately, had her cat declawed recently and refused to pay the extra money for the pain medication. Her friends were mortified when she told them, to which she replied, 'It's just a cat.'" [BuzzFoto]

3. "Don't believe the publicist's denials and the retractions. Even though Shorty and Stretch always look so happy together, the marriage is totally over. Shorty is making noise about filing, but it's a little late, if you ask us. Stretch has already exited the relationship. This is going to be a very public, very noisy, and very expensive divorce. Because while he's not quite Tiger Woods, Stretch was unfaithful with several partners during the marriage, and made them a lot of promises he didn't keep. One of these desperate lovers is already talking to an attorney about speaking out about their affair. We'll start preparing the new matrix." [Blind Gossip]