This Brazilian Drug Lord Is a Huge Justin Bieber Fan

Some 2,600 police and army operatives swept through a Brazilian slum on Sunday, seizing 11 tons of marijuana and "a small arsenal" of weapons—including a missile—from a notorious drug gang. They also found a Justin Bieber mural.
Pezao, whom The Guardian describes as "one of the area's top traffickers," is apparently also one of the area's top Justin Bieber fans. Brazilian news outlet R7 published the above photo, as well as several others documenting the narcos' "mansions." They'll need to update for Bieber's new haircut, obviously.
The "unprecedented" operation, which focused on the notorious 70,000-resident Complexo do Alemao, took place at 8 a.m. By 9:30 a.m. it had been "conquered," (that's what the police said, at least), and in the afternoon the government troops "hoisted the country's green and yellow flag." The hope was to weaken the Red Command drug gang and capture some of its notorious members—like Zeu, the drug lord behind the samurai-sword murder of Brazilian journalist Tim Lopes. It's unlikely to be the last raid, though:
The head of Rio's drug squad, Marcus Vinicius Braga, described the operation as "worryingly calm" and suggested further confrontations were likely. "We are winning, but we haven't won yet," he said.