Their break up just got nasty because he started dating her famous rival. This comedian is hooked on a fishy medical procedure, and this tabloid journalist is up to some shady stuff. Stop the presses!

1. "When Boy and Girl 1 were together, Girl 1 had lots and lots of nasty things to say privately about Girl 2, another celebrity. Since Girl 1 and Girl 2 have never run in the same circles (one is known for film, and the other for television), it was unlikely to ever become more than a running joke between our couple that Girl 2 was a "no-talent" "slut". Well, that is, until they split up. His first public hookup after the split? With Girl 2. To say Girl 1 is furious would be an understatement. The tide has turned, and what started out as an amicable break up has now become an all-out private war that includes lots of screaming matches on the phone about how Girl 1 doesn't want that "plastic whore" anywhere near their child/ren. For the record, the new relationship is a PR setup. Boy couldn't care less about Girl 2. He just loves the attention that another relationship brings. And he really, really loves that there is nothing on earth that irritates Girl 1 more." [Blind Gossip]

2. "Which Hollywood movie star funnyman is hooked on colonics? He's such a freak about health and hygiene that he has a specialist come to his LA home two to three times a month to perform the body-cleansing procedure." [Star]

3. "Which tabloid hack has been conspiring with one from another paper to share access to their secret story list? When the journo got caught by the editor, they threatened to expose the paper's top mobile phone hacker in the press. All enquiries and disciplining were then quietly dropped." [Popbitch]