Congressman Outlines War Fantasy with Fancy PowerPoint

Congressman Joe Barton, the infamous BP apologist and lightbulb warrior, is vying for the powerful Energy and Commerce committee chairmanship. And his vision, as detailed in a children's PowerPoint presentation, is to role-play as a WWII general and shoot liberals.
Barton apparently doesn't trust his sweet siren's voice enough to merely explain to his colleagues, in spoken form, why he should chair this committee, which oversees more or less everything important. He needs to make a cute nine-slide PowerPoint presentation too. And here's the last one:

Some people are getting all up in arms over this image, claiming that Barton is either threatening to assassinate the president or likening his opponents to Nazis, which is Offensive. Too nitpicky! We just think Barton is 12 years old, and feel sorry for whichever assistant communications aide had to update culled slides from an old 7th grade U.S. History report to appease the boss on his latest sugar high.
[Photo of Barton via Getty Images]