Her parents are warring over who gets control of the show. This actress gave out meals on Thanksgiving and this actor doesn't keep using the bathroom because of a coke problem, just a faulty bladder. Sometimes the truth is worse!

1. "We've talked about the strategy of casting reality shows before, and we've got another story for you. A certain Star's Parent 1 wanted to do a reality show. Frankly, the only reason any producer would be remotely interested in Parent 1 is because they share the last name of the Star.

Well, Star's Parent 2 found out about this, and quickly convinced the Star that Parent 1 is being incredibly selfish, and that it would be much smarter for the Star themselves to do a reality show—without Parent 1—to bolster their own popularity (which has admittedly waned over the years). Parent 2′s argument is that if a big audience really gets to know the Star as intelligent, likable, dedicated and serious about their career, it will be much easier for Star to get back on track toward being famous for their talent, rather than their off-screen antics.

Although the Star initially didn't like the idea at all, they are now warming up to it. Without telling Parent 1, Star and Parent 2 started negotiating on behalf of the Star. The producers of the show are thrilled, but Parent 1 is absolutely furious, and has engaged in more than one screaming match with Parent 2 over it. Parent 1 can't believe that their authority and influence is being usurped, and that they have been completely undermined by Parent 2. Meanwhile, Parent 2 is telling friends that they are now in control of the Star, and that they will make a decision about the reality show by next Friday. By the way, the Star is an adult, not a child." [Blind Gossip]

2. "Many, but not enough celebrities help out on Thanksgiving by feeding the homeless or doing some other kind of good deed. This C+ list actress, who has made her first television show a hit network show decided to take her good deed a step further. Not only did she deliver meals to people's homes all day Wednesday and Thursday, but she did so without drawing any attention to herself at all. It was only after people kept recognizing her when she was making deliveries that anyone had any idea she was on a show. The higher-ups in the organization told her she could do something more glamorous or photo op worthy but she refused and just kept delivering meals. She ended up delivering meals to over 100 homes during the two days and also dropped off Christmas presents to the homes she visited that had children." [CDaN]

3. "There have been some rumors of this B List-in-his-day, aging actor and an ongoing cocaine problem. We know the source of the rumors started with his frequent trips to the bathroom during events and parties. Those are silly explanations for what is really a bladder problem due to some blood pressure medications. The man just has to go!" [BuzzFoto]