Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, 30 Rock's Jonathan plays himself on Running Wilde, Conan pleads with Finland to air his show, Jason Lee dons old-man makeup and rockstar hair, and Glenn Beck wishes people we as poor as they used to be.

Jonathan From 30 Rock's Very Meta Cameo on Running Wilde
Maulik Pancholy (who you should recognize as Jack's assistant on 30 Rock or Weeds' Sanjay) appeared on Running Wilde playing himself. The premise: convincing Emmy that he's a doctor. The problem: The only TV show Emmy watches is 30 Rock.

Glenn Beck Is Nostalgic For How Poor People Used To Be
Glenn Beck is so sick of poor people. Why can't they just go back to how they were in the Great Depression? That's real "Poverty in America." Nowadays, Glenn expounds solemnly, things have changed: Poor people are just plain obnoxious!

Jason Lee's "Smokey Floyd" Goes Viral on Raising Hope
Last night's episode of Raising Hope featured Jason Lee as an old rockstar who hasn't yet given up his frayed t-shirts and leather pants. It was a dream come true for Burt—until he realized Smokey's an ass.

Patti Gets Married to the MOB on Millionaire Matchmaker
Patti Stanger knows what's up...most of the time. In the newest installment of Millionaire Matchmaker does Manhattan, Patti set-up two great matches, but gave out some iffy advice to Married to the MOB owner, Leah McSweeney.

Conan's Plea to Finland: Air My Show!
By way of a few postcards from Finland, it came to Conan's attention that his show doesn't air in the great herring nation. His plea: Finland, air Conan or the herring get it. Okay, so it's more of a threat.