Technically, FX has not canceled Terriers, but the ol' Magic Eight-Ball says "Outlook Not So Good." Meanwhile, was this week's season finale an object lesson is quality television? "It Is Decidedly So."

We've watched Hank and Britt help cuckolded husbands, gender-bending hookers, and flatulent bulldogs over the past few months, and each neighbor has helped them slowly uncovered the biggest damsel in distress of them all: the neighborhood of Ocean Beach itself.

Have you ever flown to San Diego? Apparently its airport is a poorly-located dump, and a local politician has woven an intricate conspiracy destined to result in a lucrative deal to plow under the slummy boho suburb of Ocean Beach and turn the whole area into an airline hub. The conspirators stand to make so much money off of this long-con that they let nothing get in their way, and it isn't long before people start turning up dead. Who better to pin those murders on than Hank, the red-headed stepchild poised to go public with the dastardly plot?

[There was a video here]

Detective Gustafson helps Hank escape, of course, which triggers the tan-suited goon Burke to try and kill Hank himself. Hank manages to turn the tables with a deadly "sleeper hold," and he and Britt lay a trap for Burke's boss, the insidious Attorney Zeitlin:

[There was a video here]

Zeitlin leads them to the local politician masterminding Operation: Airport, and Hank shames him into calling the whole scheme off by producing photographic evidence of his dalliances with underage Mexicans — the very photographs that Hank's buddy Mickey was murdered over way back in the pilot. [] Full circle, indeed.

Britt's in trouble, too, of course, after tenderizing the man he thought his ex Katie was sleeping with a few episodes ago. After Hank beats his murder wrap and shames the conspirator-in-chief, there's still the sad reality of Britt's one-year jail sentence to face:

[There was a video here]

...a brilliantly ambiguous ending, if you ask me. The finale tied up a bunch of loose ends while simultaneously hinting that there are plenty of stories left to tell. We can only hope that the FX network gets the message.

Personally, I donated $2.99 to the cause by downloading episode 13 from iTunes, mostly because I'm not — nor have I ever met — a "Nielsen family." If you'd rather not vote with your wallet, though, check out the series on Hulu: — they seem to do a decent job reporting page-views to our benevolent Hollywood Overlords. Or perhaps showing your support with a politely enthusiastic email to is in order?