Internet Votes for Couple to Get an Abortion

Minnesota couple Pete and Alisha Arnold put their abortion up to an Internet vote on The results are in: 78% of respondents think the couple should abort! But Pete says most of those 1.5 million votes are fake.
After factoring out the "fraudulent votes," Arnold writes in a blog post that the final tally is actually 73% in favor of keeping the baby. How convenient, that the "real" results back up Arnold's own rabid pro-life views. It doesn't really matter, since the couple previously admitted the whole thing was a pathetic hoax that was supposed to prove a point about abortion or something. (That didn't stop Alisha from getting fired from her tech job.)
Although it was a success if, as we suspect, the Arnolds' main goal was to get on TV. Bill O'Reilly devoted almost three minutes to Birth or Not on Thursday. Maybe they can play the clip for their newborn son every night before he goes to bed: Baby's first spectacularly unhelpful contribution to the abortion debate. Poor kid.
Vote on Whether This Couple Gets an Abortion
Abortion-by-Vote Probably a Pro-Life Stunt
Woman Who Started Fake Abortion-by-Vote Poll Fired