Here's Facebook's New Profile Page (Updated)

Mark Zuckerberg will be unveiling a redesigned Facebook profile page on 60 minutes tonight. Here's a screencap from the episode's preview so you can get a head start on complaining about it. Hm, the poke button moved a little!
Update: Hey, look, you can get the new Facebook right now by going here. (Or you can wait for it to be rolled out to you.)
There are a bunch of changes, small and large which you can read about in great detail at TechCrunch.
Here are a few:
- A stream of your recent tagged photos appears at the top of the screen, and there are more pictures of your friends on the page. This is because the main problem with Facebook is that there weren't enough opportunities to see pictures of people.
- Now there's a field on your page called "philosophy," which folds in your religious, political views and favorite quote. Plus a brand new field: "People Who Inspire You." (If you put Mark Zuckerberg you should be able to get access to a special Super Facebook.)
- All your vital stats are squished up under your name in a list now. It actually looks pretty good, like you're a character in a Role Playing Game or something!
- There is also a field for sports, if you can somehow fit physical activity in between checking your Facebook profile
- Tabs bring up different sections of your profile. Tabs: So hot right now.