The Royal Treatment

Have family coming over for the holidays and in need some offbeat art to liven up those bare white walls? Well, today we're giving away two sets of quirky prints, which you can win simply by entering a caption contest.
Because we love you, we're giving away three lovely prints from Berkley Illustration. All you have to do is leave a funny (or serious, if you want) caption based on this photo from today's Nobel Prize ceremony. Then we'll pick our two favorites on Monday and the winners will be sent each of the three pieces. This is just our way of saying thanks for reading. (Please, please continue to do so.)
Write a Caption

What You'll Win

Biker, Kittens, and Great White from Berkley Illustration
How to Enter
Submit your captions in the comments only. (If you're not a commenter, see here for details on how to become one.) The deadline for contest entries is Monday, December 13th at 12 pm ET. We'll pick a winner from the comments on this post and notify him/her by email shortly thereafter. This means you must have a valid email associated with your commenter account. All standard Gawker contest rules apply, naturally.