We know you have questions and concerns about the weekend site hacks — we've got ears and answers. Editors and tech are here for all the Q&A you can handle.

If you have not yet changed your account password, please stop here and click through to Lifehacker's comprehensive FAQ on the weekend's security breach and the steps you should immediately take to secure your account.

Gawker Media prides itself immensely on the contributions of its commenters, who create lively debate, innovative observations and provocative discussion every day. You're the essential fuel to the story-fires we start.

We take the concerns of our readers extremely seriously. We are working around the clock to ensure the safety and security of our sites moving forward.

Right now we're here to answer questions that remain, provide a space for you to vent, bond together in solidarity, and praise your cross-site ingenuity, savvy and generosity while under fire.


Why is password change or recovery failing?
We are working to limit the scope of the problem, and as part of that are changing the password for every account that could be cracked. Not all accounts will have their passwords reset. This process is running in the background and causing occasional errors when changing passwords. We will notify our readers once via posts on the sites and an update on this page once this process is complete so you can try again. We expect this to be completed within a few hours. This affects password change and the 'Forgot Password' process. Please continue to update all passwords on sites that shared a password with your Gawker Media account.

Why does my password no longer work?
We have reset the vulnerable account passwords to made it inaccessible to anyone with their old password. We are updating all of these accounts to use the modern bcrypt hash. If you did not have an email address associated with your account, and are currently unable to access your account, it is unlikely we will be able to restore access to your account. We suggest registering for a new account. We will be continuing to study this problem and notify readers if we develop a solution.

If you can't log in, that means you have a simple password which is easily cracked and we have disabled access to your account.

Three possibilities.

A. You have an email address associated with account, click Reset password to get a new password.

B. Try again tomorrow after ongoing tech issues sorted.

C. If you don't have an email address associated with your account and still can't log in tomorrow: email help@gawker.com and we will manually reinstate you after a few verification questions.

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