Homophobic Pee Vandal Haunts Harvard

A phantom pisser left his (or her) mark in a Harvard library this weekend, by dousing a selection of books about LGBT issues with human pee. The "vandalism by urine" will be investigated as a hate crime.
The Harvard Crimson reports from the scene of the surprisingly destructive hate wee-wee:
The library staff members found an empty bottle next to the vandalized books that may have contained the urine, according to Harvard College Library spokeswoman Beth S. Brainard. The staff initially responded to the incident as a health hazard, quickly removing the bottle and relocating the damaged books to the Collections Conservation Lab on Level D of Widener Library.
Brainard said that the library staff assessed the value of the vandalized books before reporting the incident, accounting for the space of two weeks between the incident and the report to HUPD. The books-which Brainard estimated to be worth a few thousand dollars-will be discarded due to the severity of the damage.
"Once the urine is poured, they can't really fix [the books]," she said.
Like eggs broken and words spoken, urine soakin' in books cannot be mended. Know more about Harvard's homophobic hate-pisser? Email us. [Crimson via IvyGate, image via WallyG's Flickr]