Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Jon Hamm lends his voice to The Simpsons for an episode, Bill Hader impersonates Wikileaks' Julian Assange again on SNL, The Soup takes on Oprah, and Whoopi Goldberg attacks fat people with strollers at Disneyland.

Jon Hamm Guests on The Simpsons as a Jerky FBI Agent, Kills It
Comedy-loving leading man Jon Hamm, better known as Don Draper, appeared on The Simpsons tonight, and more than made up for the more-than-a-decade-old plot reference to Donnie Brasco with his turn as an FBI bigwig.

The Soup Highlights Oprah Winfrey's Whirlwind Week of TV Appearances
The Soup looked at Oprah's week of television appearances—including a wacky conversation with the paparazzi that Inside Edition caught on tape and crying over Gayle King—and also applauded the Kennedy Center for deciding to honor "the little people."

Whoopi Goldberg Goes on Anti-Fat Tirade
Whoopi visited Disneyworld and found her path blocked multiple times by fat people in electric scooters. Predictably, she goes on a tirade. Her anti-fat logic? Paying taxes entitles her to walk wherever she likes.

Wikileaks' Julian Assange Returns to SNL, Will Ruin Your Favorite Internet Sites
Bill Hader's impression of the founder of WikiLeaks appeared again on SNL with a list of sites he'll mess with until he's out of jail. The list will affect us all: Amazon, Orbitz, Facebook, Farmville, and the beloved Netflix queue.

Family Guy Travels to the North Pole to Kill Santa Claus
After being snubbed by Santa at the mall, Stewie decides he's going murder Santa at the North Pole. Upon reaching their destination, Brian and Stewie learn that the world's greed and increasing demands are literally killing Santa and his elves.